JUNE IS MEN'S HEALTH AWARENESS MONTH : Phillips Health Care Newsletter
5970 South Rainbow Boulevard Las Vegas, Nevada 89118  Phone: (702) 363-4000    Fax:  (702) 362-0086   Email: phillipsclinic@cox.net
Office Hours:
Monday  8:00 - 5:00  Tuesday  7:30 - 6:00  Wednesday  7:30 - 6:00  Thursday  7:30 - 6:00  Friday   8:00 - 5:00 Saturday  9:00 - 4:00
Phillips Clinic 
Family Practice  Wellness, Stem Cell Therapy & Anti-Aging Medicine


by Phillips Clinic on 05/28/23


ACcording to Harvard Health, “Men are less likely than women to get  routine physical exams and screenings. A survey by the American Academy of Family Physicians found that 55% of men surveyed had not seen their doctor for a physical exam in the previous year, even though 40% of them had at least one chronic condition. 

Nearly one-fifth of men ages 55 and over said they had never undergone screening for colon cancer, and almost 30% said they "wait as long as possible" to seek medical attention when they are feeling sick or in pain.”

For all adults, scheduling regular check ups and physicals, can help catch health problems when they are manageable, to address and teat them at their earliest stages. 

How Often Should You Get a Physical

If you’re in your 20’s… every five years.

If you’re in your 30’s… every three years.

If you’re in your 40’s... every two years.

50 and above… every year

Recommended Screenings for Men

Blood Pressure

Every man should have their blood pressure checked regularly, and patients with other cardiovascular risk factors should check their blood pressure more frequently. This can be performed at your doctor’s office. High blood pressure is the biggest risk for heart disease and a significant risk for other serious health conditions

 Blood Cholesterol

All men 35 or older should get their blood cholesterol levels checked regularly. Men who use tobacco; are overweight or obese; have a relative who had a heart attack before the age of 50; or have diabetes, high blood pressure, or a history of heart disease should get their cholesterol checked much earlier, at the age of 20. There are several measures of cholesterol, and all are important in determining heart disease risk.

Colon Cancer

All men should get screened for colorectal (colon or rectal) cancer by age 50. People with a family history of colorectal cancer should get a colonoscopy even sooner. There are several different tests that can help detect colon cancer, but colonoscopy continues to be the gold standard.

 Men who have high blood pressure or take medication to control their high blood pressure should get screened for diabetes (high blood sugar). Anyone experiencing symptoms of persistently severe thirst, frequent urination, unexpected weight loss, increased hunger, and tingling in the hands or feet also should talk to their doctor about getting tested. The preferred screening for diabetes is a blood test that measures your average blood sugar over the last three months. 


Using a BMI calculator to determine your body mass index (BMI) is usually a reliable, but not conclusive, indicator of whether you’re at a healthy weight. A BMI between 18.5 and 24.9 Is considered healthy, a BMI above 25 is overweight, and a BMI greater than 30 is obese.

Prostate Exam

Because PSA screenings recommendation vary widely among health care professionals, talk to your provider about the benefits and risks of screening to determine what is best for you.

Other Tests Include

EKG, STD, HIV & Hepatitis, blood tests and urinalysis. Some additional testing may be recommended for men 50 or over, or with family history of chronic disease.


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