March 2024-Allergies! : Phillips Health Care Newsletter
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Phillips Clinic 
Family Practice  Wellness, Stem Cell Therapy & Anti-Aging Medicine

March 2024-Allergies!

by Phillips Clinic on 02/28/24

What Is An Allergy
Nearly 20% of Americans have allergies. Allergies are an abnormal response of your immune system. Your body's defenses react to a usually harmless substance, such as pollen, animal   dander, or food. Almost anything can trigger an allergic reaction, which can range from mild and annoying to sudden and life-threatening. 
Some of the most common triggers include:

Pollen from trees, grasses, and weeds can trigger hay fever or seasonal allergies. You might have symptoms like sneezing, runny nose, nasal congestion, and itchy, watery eyes. 
Animal Dander
Proteins secreted by oil glands in an animal's skin and present in their saliva can cause allergic reactions for some people. The allergy can take two or more years to develop and symptoms may not go away until months after being away from the animal. If your pet is causing allergies, make your bedroom a pet-free zone, avoid carpets, and wash him regularly. A HEPA filter and frequent vacuuming may also help
Dust Mites
Dust mites are microscopic organisms that live in 
house dust. Help prevent dust mite allergies by 
covering mattresses, pillows, and box springs, 
sing hypoallergenic pillows, washing sheets weekly in hot water, and keeping the house free of dust collecting-items.

Bug Bites & Insect Stings
Symptoms include extensive swelling and redness from the sting or bite that may last a week or more, nausea, fatigue, and low-grade fever. In rare cases when insect bites cause a severe reaction (anaphylaxis), symptoms may include difficulty breathing, swelling around the face, throat, or mouth, racing pulse, an itchy rash or hives,      dizziness, or a sharp drop in blood pressure. 

Molds make allergens, irritants, and in some cases, potentially toxic substances. Inhaling or touching mold or  mold spores may cause allergic reactions in some people. 

There are many types of mold. They all need moisture to grow. 

They can be found in damp areas such as basements or bathrooms, as well as in grass or mulch.  

Avoid activities that trigger symptoms, such as raking leaves. Ventilate moist areas in your home

Milk, shellfish, eggs, and nuts are among the most common foods that cause allergies. An allergic reaction usually happens within minutes of eating he offending food. Symptoms, which can include breathing problems, hives, vomiting, diarrhea, and swelling around the mouth, can be severe. Avoid all foods that you are allergic to.

Relieving Your Allergy Symptoms
Your Phillips Clinic Family Practice Provider Can Perform a simple    Allergy Skin Test.

Symptoms which usually prompt an allergy test  include:
Respiratory: itchy eyes, nose or throat; nasal congestion, runny nose, watery eyes, chest congestion, cough or wheezing
Skin: itchiness or eczema  
Abdominal: vomiting or cramping and diarrhea consistently after eating certain foods
Severe reactions to stinging insect stings 

Skin tests can be performed in the office to determine what’s cause your symptoms. A very small amount of certain allergens is put into your skin by making a small indentation or “prick” on the surface of your skin.  Your skin will react to the substances that trigger your allergies.

A personalized serum is then made up for you. You take this  serum home, use a few drops under your tongue every day. You return every 12 weeks for a refill and follow-up. Within months, you should notice a significant reduction in your symptoms and the need for allergy medications. And in time, your allergies will disappear.

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