March is Sleep Awareness Month!
by Phillips Clinic on 02/28/21
Scrimping on sleep can make you groggy and GROUCHY!
But the negative effects are not just limited to these short term consequences.
Not enough sleep can also effect heart health, interfere with blood sugar levels, endurance levels, immune system response and can potentially result in mood disorders.
Getting both enough sleep and deep sleep can result in a healthier, happier you. Optimal sleep is generally considered to be 7-8 hours a night.
Effects on your heart:
When you sleep, blood pressure and heart rates drop. This allows your heart and blood vessels to rest.
But, when you get less than an optimal amount of sleep for a long period of time, your blood pressure, heart rate and pressure on your veins remains higher, for longer periods during the 24 hours of the day.
This can cause elevated blood pressure, which can lead to heart attacks and stroke.
Effects on blood sugar:
During the deep sleep cycle, blood sugar drops, also allowing your body’s response to rest.
Limited sleep reduces the this slow down time, resulting in a slower response time to blood sugar levels.
Getting adequate amounts ot sleep can help prevent Type 2 Diabetes,
Sleep helps your brain rest too, so it’s easier to grasp, react, store and evaluate information. Without enough sleep, it’s like running on empty.
Lack of sleep also slows down immune response. Your body is less likely to quickly identify (and attack!) threats such as foreign bacteria and viruses.
· Maintain A Comfortable
· Temperature.
· Reading
· Regular Bedtime
· Meditation and
· Relaxation Exercises
· Some studies have shown a small high carb snack about 30 minutes before bedtime can help.
· A relaxing, warm bath or shower
· Limit Coffee or other Caffeine drinks late in the day.
· Avoid alcohol.
· Limit Blue Light Exposure (TV, Cell Phones, Tablets).
· Don’t workout last in the day or close to bedtime.
Sleep helps your body repair itself, replacing older, worn out cells with new. (Too much, though—more than 9 hours a day can be as bad as not enough!)