Phillips Health Care Newsletter
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Monday  8:00 - 5:00  Tuesday  7:30 - 6:00  Wednesday  7:30 - 6:00  Thursday  7:30 - 6:00  Friday   8:00 - 5:00 Saturday  9:00 - 4:00
Phillips Clinic 
Family Practice  Wellness, Stem Cell Therapy & Anti-Aging Medicine

Phillips Health Care Newsletter

September Is Healthy Aging® Month

by Phillips Clinic on 08/27/23

September is Healthy Aging® Month is celebrating its 30th year. The annual observance month focuses national attention on the positive aspects of growing older10 Tips for September is Healthy Aging® Month The month was created in 1992, 30 years ago, by Carolyn Worthington, publisher of the Healthy Aging® multi-media platform and president of the non-profit Educational Television Network, Inc.

Recapture that “back to school” feeling with a personal commitment to renew yourself. To improve yourself physically, socially, and mentally, here are ten tips to inspire you from Healthy Aging®

Physical Well-Being
1. Move more, sit less.
Why? Physical activity is your weapon to help control blood pressure, help prevent heart disease and stroke and possibly lower your risk for depression, anxiety, and conditions like certain cancers and type 2 diabetes. What to do? Choose something fun so you can keep at it, like cycling, walking, dancing, swimming, or aerobics.

2. How much do you need to do?
Current national recommendations are 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity per week and two days of muscle-strengthening training. That’s only 20 minutes a day, seven days a week, or around an hour a day if you do three days a week.

3. Get motivated
Seek out free websites and apps like All Trails to find parks and trails around the world; American Heart Association with ideas on how to join a walking club or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for individuals with a disability

4. Try to cut back on salt. A diet rich in sodium has been linked to high blood pressure, stroke, and heart attack—all good reasons to try not to over-salt your food. Adding more fiber to your diet can help lower cholesterol, control your blood sugar, as well helping maintain good digestive health.

5. Volunteer
Be of service. An excellent way to bring happiness into your life is to not focus on yourself. Refocus on others by volunteering your time and expertise. United Way, the American Red Cross, VolunteerMatch, and AmeriCorps are all helpful resources.

6. Beat back loneliness
Don’t wait for the phone to ring. Be proactive and call someone for a lunch date. Set up a calendar of lunch dates and challenge yourself to have at least two lunch dates per month (once a week is even better!) It doesn’t have to be expensive … pack a picnic, and head to a park. Try to mix up your get-togethers with old friends and new acquaintances.

7. Rekindle or follow a new passion
Take a hard look at what you like rather than what other people tell you to do to meet new people. Pick some activities where you might meet new friends.

8. Get a dog
If you don’t have one, get one and walk. You will be amazed how many people you will meet through your dog. Can’t have one? Check your local humane society to see if they need dog walkers.

9. Be realistic with what you can accomplish. Learn to say no … don’t overwhelm yourself with a to-do list. See more tips for reducing or controlling stress from Mental Health America, the non-profit dedicated to addressing the needs of those with mental illness and promoting the overall mental health of all.

10. Plan for your next exciting passage.
Capitalize on your career experience and start a new one. Yes, enjoy a brief “retirement.” Travel, and spend more time with family and friends. Develop new hobbies. Redefining your purpose to maintain a sense of identity and purpose is
essential to a healthy lifestyle. What is your next passage?

So, grab onto that “back to school” feeling and make September the perfect time to renew or set your lifestyle goals.

Remember, it’s never too late!

Packing a Safe School Lunch

by Phillips Clinic on 07/30/23

Packing A Safe School Lunch

If you take a lunch to school, it is important to know what to do to keep your food safe. Some foods need special attention, like milk, meats and cheeses. These foods can make you sick if bacteria are allowed to grow on them.

Bacteria are usually one-celled organisms that can only be seen with a microscope. Bacteria are everywhere, in the air on the ground, on our bodies and on your pets. Normally, bacteria will not hurt you. But if bacteria are allowed to grow on your food, it can make you sick! Use the following tips to help you keep your school lunch safe.

Keep Foods Clean
  • Keep everything clean when packing the lunch. Use hot, soapy water to clean hands, clean preparation surfaces, and clean utensils. Keep family pets away from kitchen counters. Wash your hands before you prepare or eat food.

Keep Cold Foods Cold
  • Use an insulated lunch box to help keep foods cold. You can also use a thermos to keep milk or juice cold until lunchtime.
  • Use freezer gel packs that are widely available in stores. If you cannot get freezer gel packs, a fun trick is to freeze a juice box overnight and put that into your lunch box next to your sandwich. That way, your sandwich will not get too warm and you still have a cold drink at lunchtime!
  • Freeze your sandwiches. This works better with coarse-textured breads that won't get soggy when they thaw. The sandwich will be thawed by the time you eat lunch, and it keeps everything else in the lunch box cold. (If you like lettuce, tomato and mayonnaise on your sandwich, pack those separately. They do not freeze well, and you may not like the taste when they thaw!)

  • Keep your lunch in the coolest place possible! If you have a refrigerator at school, put your lunch in there. If not keep it out of the sun and away from the heat.
  • Pack shelf-stable foods, especially if you have a brown paper bag lunch. These food items include fresh fruits and vegetable, cookies, crackers, peanut butter sandwiches, canned meats, shelf-stable cheeses, packaged pudding, and canned fruits and juices.
Keep Hot Foods Hot
  • Use a thermos to keep soup, chili and stew hot. Use an insulated bottle stored in an insulated lunch box. Ask your parents to fill the bottle with boiling water, let stand for a few minutes, empty, and then put in the piping hot food. Keep the insulated bottle closed until lunch to keep the food hot.

Make sure you wash your hands before you eat your lunch. Any perishable leftovers after lunch should be discarded and not brought home.


by Phillips Clinic on 06/28/23


Anti-aging medicine is based on preventive medicine for the early detection, prevention, treatment, and reversal of age-related  disorders, and diseases.

90% of all adult illness is due to the degenerative processes of aging. This includes heart disease, most cancers, adult-onset diabetes, stroke, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, autoimmune disease glaucoma, and Alzheimer’s.

With early detection and appropriate intervention, most of these diseases can be prevented, cured, or have their downward course reversed.

Age Management medicine, also referred to as Anti-Aging medicine, is based on the very early detection, prevention, and reversal of age-related diseases. It is the newest clinical medical specialty—the “optimum” of wellness and longevity—and employs extensive treatments in the preventative health care field.

Within the last 100 years, the average lifespan has doubled. The medical community has now developed ways to ensure the second half of our lives is just as rewarding, happy and healthy as the first.

Anti-aging medicine aims to both extend lifespan as well as prolong healthspan - the length of time that we are able to live productively and independently.

Anti-aging therapies can include nutrition, physical fitness, skin care, hormone replacements, vitamins, supplements and herbs, focused on each individual's unique lifestyle, make-up and  needs.

Regenerative Medicine

Regenerative Medicine, which includes Stem Cell Therapy and PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) Therapy is “supercharged healing”. It’s harnessing and concentrating the body’s own naturally occurring components and unleashing them to repair, renew and  replace damaged or injured cells, organs, muscle, nerve and bone. Our bodies have the potential to heal damaged tissue, tendons, ligaments, cartilage and bone while decreasing downtime and pain and limiting the need for rehab.

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) comes from the patient's own blood. PRP is a concentrated source of growth factors, anti-inflammatory and regenerating factors that play major roles in healing.

Blood is drawn from the patient, spun in a centrifuge which concentrates platelets. After concentration, this serum is injected in the patient. 

PRP injections can improved function and decreased pain in various conditions, including - but not limited to - wrist,   elbow, shoulder, hip, knee, and ankle tendonitis.

Stem cells are the foundation cells for every organ, tissue and cell of the body. Stem cells can develop into cardiac muscle, as well as liver, brain, nerve, fat and skin tissue. These cells lead to creation of new—healthy—cells and are called  generative cells.

Stem cell therapy is being used to treat diseases such as Heart Muscle Damage from Heart Attacks, Cerebral Palsy, Brain Hemorrhage and Stroke, Spinal Cord Injury, Autism, ParkinsonismMotor Disease, Muscular Dystrophy, Liver  Diseases, Huntington's Disease , Chronic Kidney Diseases, Multiple Sclerosis, Orthopedic Injuries, COPD, ED and Diabetes. Studies worldwide have shown  encouraging results. Stem cell therapy is done by using generative cells from your own bone marrow or adipose (fat) tissue, so consequently has no  adverse effects.

Stem cell therapy is  a minimally invasive procedure. It’s same day, in-office with little down time or pain, compared with surgery.

Because the therapy uses cells that are collected from the patient, and returned to the patient, the chances of reaction are minimal.

Other wellness and anti-aging therapies offered by Phillips Clinic include:

Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT)

Bio-identical hormone replacement for men and women offers your doctor the opportunity to create a customized hormone replacement therapy for each patient’s individual needs.



by Phillips Clinic on 05/28/23


ACcording to Harvard Health, “Men are less likely than women to get  routine physical exams and screenings. A survey by the American Academy of Family Physicians found that 55% of men surveyed had not seen their doctor for a physical exam in the previous year, even though 40% of them had at least one chronic condition. 

Nearly one-fifth of men ages 55 and over said they had never undergone screening for colon cancer, and almost 30% said they "wait as long as possible" to seek medical attention when they are feeling sick or in pain.”

For all adults, scheduling regular check ups and physicals, can help catch health problems when they are manageable, to address and teat them at their earliest stages. 

How Often Should You Get a Physical

If you’re in your 20’s… every five years.

If you’re in your 30’s… every three years.

If you’re in your 40’s... every two years.

50 and above… every year

Recommended Screenings for Men

Blood Pressure

Every man should have their blood pressure checked regularly, and patients with other cardiovascular risk factors should check their blood pressure more frequently. This can be performed at your doctor’s office. High blood pressure is the biggest risk for heart disease and a significant risk for other serious health conditions

 Blood Cholesterol

All men 35 or older should get their blood cholesterol levels checked regularly. Men who use tobacco; are overweight or obese; have a relative who had a heart attack before the age of 50; or have diabetes, high blood pressure, or a history of heart disease should get their cholesterol checked much earlier, at the age of 20. There are several measures of cholesterol, and all are important in determining heart disease risk.

Colon Cancer

All men should get screened for colorectal (colon or rectal) cancer by age 50. People with a family history of colorectal cancer should get a colonoscopy even sooner. There are several different tests that can help detect colon cancer, but colonoscopy continues to be the gold standard.

 Men who have high blood pressure or take medication to control their high blood pressure should get screened for diabetes (high blood sugar). Anyone experiencing symptoms of persistently severe thirst, frequent urination, unexpected weight loss, increased hunger, and tingling in the hands or feet also should talk to their doctor about getting tested. The preferred screening for diabetes is a blood test that measures your average blood sugar over the last three months. 


Using a BMI calculator to determine your body mass index (BMI) is usually a reliable, but not conclusive, indicator of whether you’re at a healthy weight. A BMI between 18.5 and 24.9 Is considered healthy, a BMI above 25 is overweight, and a BMI greater than 30 is obese.

Prostate Exam

Because PSA screenings recommendation vary widely among health care professionals, talk to your provider about the benefits and risks of screening to determine what is best for you.

Other Tests Include

EKG, STD, HIV & Hepatitis, blood tests and urinalysis. Some additional testing may be recommended for men 50 or over, or with family history of chronic disease.



by Phillips Clinic on 05/01/23

At Phillips Clinic, we take an integrated approach to healthcare

We take the time to get to know you as an individual so that we may present you with a comprehensive plan to encourage life-long optimal health. This cooperative approach makes it possible for us to partner with you-- our patients-- to help you plan and encourage optimal, life-long health.

Our success in patient care and teamwork at the office is reflected in the fact we have retained staff and patients for over twenty-five years.

At Phillips Clinic Family Practice, where we believe that together we create the tools to live healthier happier lives!

We believe health care for adults and children should be practiced in an environment where it feels comfortable to talk about all aspects of your life. It is our goal to identify disease and risk factors and to treat them at the earliest stages possible.

We provide personalized health care for the entire family; children, adults and seniors! Our clinic is well prepared and well equipped to provide for the current and ongoing health care needs of the entire family.

We combine the best of holistic and conventional medicine techniques to treat the whole patient. We offer a multi-dimensional approach to wellness.  
We commit to a proactive approach to wellness; identifying risk factor to our patients health and addressing them at the earliest possible stages.

ur physical exams consist of 3 appointments.
The first appointment is for the patients actual history and exam.  Female patients may have their pelvic and pap smear done while they are here, if they choose to.
During that appointment our providers evaluate the patient and their family and personal history and determine what testing, if any, they feel is appropriate.  They then order those studies and they are scheduled for an appointment with the nurse, imaging center, ultrasound tech, etc.  There are many reasons that we do not do the testing on the same day.  First, the patient needs to be fasting for most CHP labs.  Also, many tests require prior authorization which generally takes at least a few days. 
When the patients completes the recommended studies, they are scheduled to follow up with their provider.  During the final visit of the CHP process, the provider will go over all studies, make lifestyle recommendations, adjust medications or add medications if necessary, etc.
I have also attached the form we give patients after their first appointment explaining what tests may be done.
Let me know what you're thinking.
Bone Density Scans:
At Phillips Clinic we offer bone density scans on-site. Our highly trained health professionals use bone density testing to assess the strength of bones and the probability of fracture in patients at risk of osteoporosis.  

Cardiac echo (or simply an echo), is a sonogram of the heart is also offered at Phillips Clinic. Echocardiography, which uses ultrasound to create images of the heart, allows providers to assess heat-health. 

Peripheral Vascular Testing 
Peripheral vascular disease (PVD) affects the areas that are “peripheral” (outside) your heart. Testis for PVD include ultrasound and treadmill.

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